Working Hard Vs Working Smart: Knowing The Difference

working hard vs working smart

All of us wants to be successful. Well, there are many ways to do that.

You can study hard at school, land a good job, and do your best to get that promotion.

That is what most people would do. It’s the traditional kind of thinking and is also the safest bet.

On the other hand, you can just quit school, think about a creative and innovative product, make a business out of it, and wait till you get your first million bucks as your employees work for you.

Seems better, right?

Well, that’s where you’ll see the simplest definition of working hard versus working smart.

And we’re going to talk more about that in this article.

Know Your Worth

The first thing you need to do when it comes to choosing between working hard and working smart, is that you can’t choose just one. Yes, that’s a fact that all of us should accept. Instead, you need to have both of them so you can achieve success.

A good way to do that is by knowing your worth. You might be a very hardworking person and you spend your entire day working for your supervisor and boss. Yes, you might be paid a good salary and acquire bonuses.

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But are you worth just that? What if you are going to use the amount of effort, time, and energy you spend at work for your own business? Do you think you can also earn that much? Well, there’s a good chance it is.

But there’s the risk factor you need to consider because your income will vary greatly if you work for yourself. Nonetheless, you get to work for yourself, consider yourself as the boss, and have a more dignified achievement in your career if you are your own boss.

Weigh The Rewards

Know the rewards and weigh them by comparing them to each other. Is the salary you are receiving from your traditional office job enough for you, along with the other life benefits?

Or maybe you are better off going into the abyss and risking things up for the higher rewards you can get if you are an entrepreneur and running your own business?

Ask yourself if the salary you receive from your company will make you financially free. If it is, then good for you.

Or maybe you can ask yourself one more time at another time and see if you still give the same answer. The chances are that you’ll say no. You’re better off working smart than working hard. Why? Well, continue reading.

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Time Spent With Family

Life is not fair. And it is in this reality of unfairness where we should accept our fate. The only way to go about this is to adapt to this. And you can do this by working smart. You don’t need to exert too much effort over your work and focus too much on small and single tasks.

Instead, you need to think big and work smart. Assess the macro scope of your business and let your workers do the job for you while compensating them right.

This way, you just focus on the supervision of your business as you gain the bigger share of income generated from your profits.

It might sound like capitalism, but that’s what it is. This allows you to have more time with your family because you don’t always have to work all day long. This leads to a happier and more satisfied family.

Pursue Your Passion

Working smart give you the freedom to pursue your passion because you have free time to spend for your own self, instead of just working very hard and being tied up to a company.

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You can discover new skills and dive into new ventures like selling in-demand Dombor valve products or creating new innovative molecular sieves like the ones from Jalon Zeolite.

Or maybe dive into the food packaging business and sell paper soup cup products to restaurant chains. The sky is the limit.

All you need is to work smart so you can have the spare time needed to find and follow the things you really want to achieve.

You can also start venturing into art if you are the kind of person who loves anything that is artistic. Or maybe you can dive into science and technology and create the next big thing in the tech sector.


As a conclusion to this article, it is very evident that working smart is the way to go. Well, you can work hard at the beginning stages of your career.

But you need to branch out and explore the bigger achievements you can unlock if only you work smart.

Tap into more lucrative industries, start a business, and generate income you never knew you can achieve. It might seem too ambitious and risky at first, but the risks involved are totally worth it.

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