Top Digital Marketing Agencies to Hire in Singapore

Digital Marketing

Singaporean businesses and organizations are always seeking an edge over their competitors to make a deeper and more long-lasting impression on customers. While ‘word of mouth advertising helps, the power of the internet cannot be discounted. A good digital marketing agency helps organizations with website design, SEO (search engine optimization), PPC (pay-per-click) advertisements online, social media outreach and updates as well as email marketing campaigns to boost business. To know what Top digital marketing agencies Singapore, here is a list for your consideration.

Lumi Consulting

This agency specializes in content management systems used by companies that need to update large volumes of data constantly across multiple websites and platforms. This includes work such as editing and adding blog posts or articles as well as product data. The company also engages in social media outreach, search engine optimization, and pay-per-click advertisements. In addition, Lumi Consulting has dedicated PPC experts to help clients manage their online advertising campaigns both on and off Google Adwords.

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