Night Sweats: Causes Of Night Sweats In Men And Women

Night Sweats

Women and men are both susceptible to night sweats, but what is the cause of this condition? Many different medical conditions can trigger night sweats, such as hormone imbalance, low blood sugar, or neurological problems. Less common causes include medications, infections, and cancer. A professional may prescribe treatment specific to your condition. There are also many lifestyle changes you can make to help manage night sweats

Overexposure to arousing hormones during sleep can also lead to night sweats. The decrease in oestrogen can cause your body to overreact and become overly sensitive to heat. The effects of night sweats can be embarrassing and prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep. To eliminate this unpleasant condition, you should talk to a healthcare provider to determine if you have an underlying medical condition or a simple cause.

The Reasons For Night Sweats In Men?

You may be wondering: What are the Causes of Night Sweats in Men? This article will provide you with a better understanding of what causes night sweats. Regardless of the underlying cause, there are some simple steps you can take to lessen or prevent night sweats. One of the easiest ways to lessen night sweats is to keep the bedroom cool and dry. Also, avoid alcohol and spicy foods and try to limit your physical activity before bed. Keeping a glass of water nearby can also help.

Neurological Conditions

Various neurological conditions are possible causes of night sweats in men. Men with severe sleep apnea have lower levels of testosterone and are more likely to suffer from erectile dysfunction. These conditions also cause men to be overweight, which can worsen night sweats. Also, low blood sugar levels and diabetes medications can cause excessive sweating. In some cases, a man may simply not have a definite cause for night sweats.

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Exercise is one of the leading causes of night sweats in men. Sweating is the body’s way of cooling itself. While sweating is perfectly normal during exercise, it can interfere with sleep. To avoid night sweats triggered by exercise, try these three tips: drink plenty of water before bed and wear light clothing. Avoid exercising in hot weather and try to take cool showers before bed. Additionally, try to make positive lifestyle changes that will help you sleep better at night.

Lower Testosterone

Generally, men who are affected by night sweats have low levels of testosterone. Testosterone regulates various body functions, including sexual function and sperm production. Low testosterone can also lead to weight gain, depression, and lowered sex drive. Low levels of testosterone can be a symptom of other conditions, including Type 2 diabetes or infection. In such cases, testosterone replacement therapy may be helpful.

Sleep Disorders

Sleep disorders are another cause of night sweats in men. When breathing stops repeatedly while sleeping, it triggers a series of abnormal body functions. This, in turn, can lead to night sweats. In addition to this, some drugs used for diabetes can cause excessive sweating. Several other causes of night sweats include autoimmune diseases, neurologic conditions, and stress. And this needs to be treated properly or else this can lead to sleep apnea. There are various causes of sleep apnea.

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Stress is another cause of night sweats in men. Excessive stress releases adrenaline, which causes men to sweat during the night. In addition to the above-mentioned causes, you should also make sure that you are not suffering from an underlying medical condition. In case you suspect a medical problem, talk to your doctor. There are several simple solutions to night sweats that you can try.

Causes Of Night Sweats In Women

Although night sweats in women are typically harmless, they can be a sign of an underlying medical condition. These episodes of excessive sweating can affect a woman’s quality of sleep and quality of life. Treatment for night sweats in women can range from lifestyle changes to hormone replacement therapy. Learn more about the causes of night sweats in women. Listed below are several possible causes of night sweats in women.

Hormonal Imbalance

Hormonal imbalances during menopause are the most common cause of night sweats in women. The transitional phase between puberty and menopause typically occurs between the ages of 40 and 50. A woman reaches menopause when she has not had a period for twelve consecutive months. Typically, the woman reaches menopause at age 51, but some women are not fully through the process. Hormonal imbalances during menopause affect a woman’s hypothalamus, which controls the body’s cooling processes.


Medications can also cause night sweats. Certain medications can lead to night sweats, including common antidepressants and hormone treatments. Diabetes medications can cause excessive sweating, especially when blood sugar drops too low. Some kinds of cancer can also trigger night sweats. Consult a gynecologist to get a diagnosis and treatment. If you experience night sweats frequently, you should consider getting tested for hormone deficiencies. If you have a low oestrogen level, you may need to undergo hormone replacement therapy, which involves taking synthetic hormones to boost the levels of oestrogen.

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Another common cause of night sweats in women is menopause. This period is characterised by fluctuating oestrogen levels, which result in hot flashes at night. Increasing oestrogen levels can also contribute to increased night sweats. It’s best to consult a doctor if the night sweats interfere with sleep. Additionally, menopause may also be a contributing factor. For women, night sweats are a sign of increased cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, and obesity.

Sleep Disorders

Other causes of night sweats in women include sleep disorders, cyclic fever, or adrenal gland disease. Patients with adrenal gland disease may experience excessive sweating, flushing, and a heightened sense of anxiety. If you’re pregnant, night sweats in women may be a symptom of hypoglycemia or diabetes. In such cases, medications to treat diabetes can also cause excessive sweating. Also, an unhealthy mattress can cause disturbances in sleep resulting in uneasiness and sweats. Therefore, you need to properly clean a mattress at regular intervals. 


Night sweats are caused by several factors, including a medical condition, injury, or disorder. There are several solutions for night sweats, including adjusting the environment of the bedroom and wearing moisture-wicking clothing. Showering before bed can reduce night sweats, as can pat the skin dry. Changing the sheets can help as well. 

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